Monday, March 19, 2007

Thor Wants His Belly Scratched

Big Daddy is gone off to work in New Jersey. I think I remember getting a couple of big wet kisses in the wee hours and the trailer door closing. He set the alarm for me at 5:30. That gives me a half hour to drink a LOT of coffee and stare into space. I was in the barn late, at 11, doing bunny water bottles and didn't get to sleep right away so it will be a groggy day. I took some time off to watch Rome but missed the first ten minutes, rerun tonight. The babies are fine and little Bridie is fishing around under Fiona for the teat. Brandon's got it fine. I am pushing a bottle on Bridie because she is so very tiny and I will be gone for 9 hours. This could be bad but I don't want to take her to BOCE. I don't think I would get any work done for showing her off all day, and I am behind on my job. Many more responsibilities than I had in NJ and I'm just finding out about some of them. I clipped the wool from around Fiona's udder so Bridie and Brandon would see them hanging there and be tempted to try. It's difficult for those tiny mouths to get around those big puffy teats! She stand so still for them and wants to help, bless her heart. Paddy is not nursing as much as I would like and Minerva is lying down all the time. Enter the bottle...but he doesn't have the tongue coordination it seems. So much of successful lambing is watching and helping them get started. Once they are vigorous on the've got it. Off to throwing bales, toting water, getting dogs in, chickens fed, etc. Then off to work. Matt home on Friday.

1 comment:

  1. mommy.. thor looks so cute!!
    and so are the babies! I am so proud of you!


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