Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Happy Spring

The first day of spring means I spent my first winter in Central New York in a tin can and lived to tell the tale. I didn't need antidepressants or alcohol, did eat a little too much ice cream (Matt's fault - he likes me to bring him a big bowl or two every night, and I eat some myself) BUT I did spend a ridiculous amount of money keeping these critters. One could argue they are the costliest addiction of all. I used to use the excuse that my grandkids live far away, we are all spread apart, the sheep keep me grounded, busy, etc...but it's gone beyond that. It's a way of life that keeps my pockets drained and prevents me from even going to visit my grandkids as much as I want. Not too many people have an open invitation and a beautiful town house in LV to visit any time. But now that I am in sheep - how could I ever give it up? I just don't know. When I wander through the dim light of the pre-dawn barn with my pockets full of warm bottles and say where are you little monkeys? and lambs jump up from here and there to rush over to me and get their bellies warm and full with delicious milk....well, it's wonderful. Chores took me three hours last night because I take my time and interact with the animals. That's the way it should be. And when I am doing that I am at peace with the world.

1 comment:

  1. mommy.. you wrote this at 330 am.. you need some sleep!! dont' worry, I'll pay for us to go see the kids all next year! oxoxo


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