Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Teeny Tiny Bridie

I fell asleep watching TV and some blaring disco scene woke me up around three. The frost on my nose told me I was in for a tough morning. One space heater shorted out and the remaining one wasn't doing the job. I wiggled out from under the dogs/cats and turned on the propane oven, with the thought of dying of some kind of poisoning in the back of my mind. I dismissed it and opted for heat...after all my southern relatives had gas stoves in the fireplaces of their ante bellum houses, didn't they? The temp is 5 F. outside and the hot water is frozen. I had gotten used to a hot morning shower but not today. The barn water is frozen up too. I have to get a better system in before next winter. With so many lactating moms I can't be without water. I mix the bottles a little thicker now, it fills up the bottle babies faster. I saw little Manny drinking water out of the tub yesterday, a good sign. Now he won't need his bottle as much. Temps should go up end of this week, maybe I will get my hot water back. Itchy head today! No lambsicles or kidsicles last night, thank Goodness!

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