AJ has been doing fantastically at Fort Jackson, SC, in his US Army Chaplain training camp. He recently endured the famous gas chamber ordeal, where he and his platoon members had to stay in a room filled with poison gas while holding their breath. They were considered successful only if they came out with enough presence of mind and physical strength to give their name, rank, serial number, and state their unit motto, "Soldiers of God Lead the Way!" The video AJ sent me showed a couple of male preacher-soldiers having a terrible time of it, while a female soldier marches out looking pretty good! You Go Girl!" You can see the video at http://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=8833985&k=4VE5QVS5U24M5FDAVJ42VR. (I think I got that right.) We are all very proud of AJ, who has learned how to insert an IV needle in an emergency and has completed a live-fire FTX (field training exercise). AJ, with his prior service, is enjoying this Army experience. He finishes on August 22, just in time to start seminary school in New York City. I hope to see him on weekends, at shearing time, or maybe helping at my booth at NY State Sheep and Wool at Rhinebeck in October!!
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