Whew! what a spring. Too much to tell. Many lambs and goat kids born. Sorrow and loss. The hideous attack on my flock April 11. And now the move to Brookfield, leaving the pain behind. School is almost over and I have resigned my job to start a new life in Central New York. Did I really do that? I left my tenured position at a classy, upscale J-Crew high school to forge a life on the frontier? Yep, I did it. It reminds me of reading geneology lists of my mother's family in the early 1800's - beside many names there was the notation, "Gone to Texas." Well, I have "Gone to New York."
I know why m-o-v-e is a four letter word. There are not too many things more stressful. I believe it is a positive move, but a logistic nightmare with all the animals. I have no house to live in, but lots of shelter with a trailer, a barn, a pole barn tractor shed, and a 10 foot dome tent donated by my dear friend, Jan. I will raise as much of my own food as possible, work like crazy to make my usual farm and craft products to sell, pick up more shows and possibly a farmer's market.
This blog will be a good way to report the progress of my move/new farm to my family and friends.
I will leave you with my Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival blue ribbon picture, "Guardian Angel."
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