My Hannah Margaret is 8 years old today. She is beautiful, sensuous, willowy and has the most gorgeous, buttery skin. When I last visited her in Las Vegas where she lives, she was reading herself to sleep with a book on Greek and Roman mythology. Hannah came to my wedding, on December 19, 1998. She was my favorite guest. I loved how she voiced her opinion of the service, and was actually sorry her mother, Annie, rushed her out of the sanctuary. She wore the cutest little dress. The best wedding picture is the one with Hannah in it. I adore her and wish I could spend more time with her. I know I immersed myself in sheep partially because of the pain of living so far away from my grandchildren. The flock keeps me busy, physically and emotionally. But I think of Hannah and her brother, Luke, every day. We see each other twice a year, hardly enough time to provide them with the grandmotherly experience I want to give them. They love the farm animals, especially the chickens. I can't wait to show them the new farm...
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