Saturday, July 12, 2014

One Week Down

I've finished my first week of summer school and it's going to be okay.  I was concerned about the list of kids as I'm used to more high school age students with emotional difficulties. Sure I've had younger kids for art this past year but they come with their aides for half an hour and leave.   My summer school kids are 8 - 9 with a variety of issues ranging from blindness, to seizure disorders and I have them all day long.  I have three fantastic aides who are a tremendous help to me.  I'm getting out of the house on time, a miracle, and getting out of school a little earlier.   Everything is going fine and, although I'm exhausted when I get home, I'm enjoying the little ones.  I have to do a song and dance all day long to keep them happily occupied.  The extra time I have in the afternoon is used to take a nap before evening chores.  I wish I could have stayed home on the farm this summer, but I'm buying a car, a freezer, haying the fields, cleaning out the barn, and putting up fencing.  All this costs a chunk of change and money doesn't grow on trees.  

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