Saturday, July 12, 2014

Back to the Market

I started out to the market last Saturday but was so late I gave up and said forgettaboutit.   I worked on the farm and sewed a couple of totes with the gorgeous Gecko fabric I've had for a while.  I made two messengers, one a tiny mini tote, and lined them with the luscious mustard lime green heavy linen from my friend, Sally, in New Orleans with the high-end slip cover business.  I managed to get up at 5:30 this morning, my precious day-off but not a day-off Saturday, and get myself out the door to the market on time.  I was a little embarrassed by my no-show for a month, but with Matt's surgery, sheep show, piggies, shearing, etc. etc. it just couldn't happen.  Francis, the market manager, told me he was about to put up a For Rent sign on my space.  It was great to see my market friends, plus BOCES people from work including my Summer School boss.  I had a visit from Linda Jeans (wife of Lee Jeans) from Rhode Island, who loves her knitted tote, created by Carol Crayonbox, with my yarn.  I love hearing from people long after the purchase who are still enamored by the product.  As I was thinking I could get some spinning done business picked up.  Along came a woman who looked at the Gecko Messenger.  I saw her mouth open as she looked at the bag, looked at me, and said WHY is this still HERE?  I said, because I just made it and brought it.  Well, it went home with her.  I have another one on the stove, with just enough lime green lining for another one.  Thank you Sally Newhart, who takes the time to pack up the scraps from her high-end fabric houses and send them to me.  These are silk/linen blends, chenilles, and lovely, artsy designs I never see in fabric stores.  I've started quilting with them and making my little "Yarn Pockets."  I purchased my veggies, cheese and meadow butter, putting my earnings right back into the local economy.  Tonight I will attempt to make some tomato salsa, something I've never done before.  Love the stuff....but forgot the chilis.  I was thinking if I had a smart phone I could have looked up a recipe in the grocery store.  Maybe it's time.  

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