Friday, February 14, 2014

Snow Day

What a gift!  Teachers and students rejoice!  My school receives students from several different districts and they all have to close for us to shut down.  It's sometimes a nerve wracking process, wondering if I should hit the bath, rush through chores and warm up the truck.  We started with a two hour delay then moved to closing.  I bet my colleagues from Syracuse had already hit the road as they have 50 plus miles to cover one way.  In the past I've arrived at school to find nobody there but custodians and office people.  I've learned to wait a bit and see.  Still snowing and cold at about 15 F.   Oh, I do love being under the same roof with my sheep.  Four foot drifts in the driveway.  Spouse got out the hrududu and plowed early.  What to do with all my free time?  Hah, hah.  There is too much to do so I'll put a nick in various things.  Spouse took my 4wd to work in Syracuse so I'm not going anywhere.  I have everything I need.  Wish I brought home the gallon of milk in my class room fridge, and all that pink fudge left over from our fabulous Valentine Bake Sale yesterday.  I am off all next week!!  Very exited about seeing Mia and AJ in Morristown on Feb. 21.  The weather looks promising.  Now to get out there and do morning chores.  The piggies are used to getting their warm mash at 7 am, not ten am.  I know Lilly and the old ewes are waiting to lick the bottom of the buckets.  I have to turn the oven off in the milk room.  It keeps the baby bunnies, and milk room kitties, warm through the cold nights.  I have dishes in the sink from the last couple of nights.  Sometimes when I come in from chores I can't face the dinner dishes and they wait.  Isn't going to the grocery store, buying it, hauling it home and into the house, putting it away, taking it back out, then cooking enough?  Nope.  Not enough.  I would love to put on a pot of chili today.  We were going to have a chili cook-off at school today, cancelled due to weather.  Luckily our Studio Art Valentine Bake Sale was a big success yesterday.  When buses were arriving to pick up students early we quickly put out the goodies and staff members came out for us.  I should call the school and ask the custodians to put out the left over pink fudge for themselves.

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