Friday, February 14, 2014

Chinese New Year Dragon Parade

To celebrate the Chinese New Year in January we staged a Dragon Parade with my middle school Studio Art classes.   We spent a couple of weeks learning about the Chinese New Year customs and making masks, noisemakers, lanterns and a big dragon head.  When January 29 arrived we donned a long striped dragon's body and marched around the school.  Students from the various tech programs, teachers and office workers came out to cheer and take pictures.   Aimee Piedmonte, our media center coordinator, immediately nominated us for the Artist of the Week award and took our parade paraphernalia  to display in her window.   Some of our kids are very shy.  For them to parade around the school making noise and cooperating while walking connected by a fabric tube was wonderful to behold.  Next year - cowbells for better noisemaking.  The coffee cans with pennies inside were great, but oatmeal containers did not make enough noise.  We have to be sure to chase those evil spirits away.

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