Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sheep Thrills

Several times in the night a weird scraping sound occurred over my head followed by a loud boom.  The snow load on the metal barn roof slid off and crashed to the ground.  The cats and dogs have learned over the years to get out of the way.  I hope I don't find any flattened ducks in the spring.  Still very cold, five degrees F., this morning.   The forecast says big melt this weekend with extreme cold next week.  Too bad, we were enjoying 20 degree days with a bright snowy landscape.  Perfect for sheep, and humans.   On deck for today:  spin a little more of the alpaca and silk singles I found hanging in a bag from the ceiling.  I had not peeked in that bag for a couple of years and was pleasantly surprised to find a ball of lovely natural champagne alpaca with a Louet skein of silk.  I don't remember spinning them, but am happy to have that bobbin.  I have a habit of filling up bobbins and not doing anything with them.  I don't have an endless supply of them.  Today will be busy with chores then a trip to New Hartford for errands.  NH is the other place I go to for things I need, the same distance away from the farm as Norwich, but north toward Utica instead of south.  I have two lovely knitting totes almost done but need another half yard for straps.  I eek out every inch of fabric but sometimes fall short.  I could substitute another fabric for straps but sometimes that doesn't do the bag justice, particularly with high-end textiles.  Spouse took the day off yesterday to take me to Bassett Hospital in Cooperstown, 30 miles away, for a test.  It was a good day for driving over hill and dale to this very classy, upscale town with an excellent hospital.  I'm trying to get checked out over this week off from school, and keep my family from worrying about me, bless their hearts.  I'm very grateful for the medical coverage provided to me by my teaching job.  I can't help but be cognizant of the working poor who would never have access to these expensive tests.  Family news:  Captain AJ is in New Jersey and will stay there for another 90 days before he reports for active duty.  He wants to make contacts with Episcopal churches and offer his services as a substitute priest, kind of like a substitute teacher.  Mia is back from a ski vacation in Montreal, where she decided to go after her flight to Park City, Utah, was cancelled due to weather.  She asked me to knit her some angora leggings for skiing.  It might take me until next Christmas to make them but I have a good start.  Eric, Annie and the kids are very busy with BSA winter camping at Camp William Hinds in Maine.  I'm happy they are growing up in the fresh air of the piney woods.  I'm hoping to get a summer school slot this year, as I can't imagine they will be back to the farm with so much Boy Scout activity going on where they live.  This day is getting going and so should I.  Spinning a few minutes with my coffee first.

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