Thursday, February 20, 2014


The weather is beautiful - sunny, thirty or so, with the hillside glistening like diamonds under a clear blue sky with wispy white clouds, like streaks of wool thinly spread out.   I was out five minutes before I had to take my jacket off.   I took the doggies up the hill through some drifts to enjoy the morning, and also to stir things up so this machine and miles of wires I have stuffed into my sports bra will record something interesting.   I have to keep it on until 2 pm, giving the cardiologist, hopefully, the answer to why my heart doesn't want to pump regularly.  I'm very grateful to Nurse Tanya for making all these appointments over my vacation week so I don't have to miss school.  I hate to miss work, and I love the fact that I hate to miss work.  It gets me there when the going gets rough.  I would really like to know why my pulse is 40 and skipping at times, then nice and strong other times.   I feel great, just tired at night and sleep fine.  Who knows?
  I have a test tomorrow morning in Cooperstown,  then it's off to New Jersey to be with AJ and Mia on their birthday.  I feel like all this getting checked out is a kind of birthday present to them, so they don't have to worry about their mother, or be burdened with a mother who didn't take care of herself properly and let something catch up with her.  Then I look at the faces of my sheep, and I want to be healthy for them.  If anything happened to me spouse would have them on a truck in the blink of an eye.  We're not going to let that happen.  Who would give Lilly her apples?  My sheep NEVER, EVER get "shipped" which is what sheep people call it when they don't want their animals, or they become old and infirm.  The thought makes me shudder.  Now back to chores and my sheep.

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