Sunday, January 19, 2014

Guacamole Kind of Day

I promised spouse I would make him guacamole for the big football game today.  New England vs. Denver and his team is winning.  All the yelling and screaming has not stopped the dogs from going flat out and sleeping in front of the wood stove - not a bad idea.   I've never made guacamole before and I was a bit concerned about it.  I got a recipe online and picked up the avocados on Friday after staff development.  I happened to drive by the supermarket on the way back to school and thought I better stop in.  It's a half hour drive to a full size market from the farm.   I still needed cilantro and limes but he took care of that when he drove to Hamilton for the Sunday paper and car parts.  I think my guacamole turned out okay but it's a bit bland for me.  I would add some cayenne pepper but spouse said no, it's fine for him.   We both ate as much as we could hold and, thankfully, I don't think he'll be wanting a "hot meal" tonight with a belly full of guacamole.  I'm going out to chores early so I can be back inside for another conference call with the board of the Central New York Fiber Festival crew.  Our fourth show will  take place in June at the Butternut Hill Campground in Bouckville.  I love our little show, which is really not all that little, with over 80 vendors bringing all things wool and fiber crafts to display. That call will surely run into tonight's Downton Abbey, which is followed by the PBS premier of Sherlock Holmes.  I want to be done with the barn and hunkered down in here by then. The wind is whipping up out there and temps are diving.  Everyone will be even hungrier and thirstier.  I'll make sure the piggies get their warm slop with enough left over for Lilly.  Lilly's girlfriends are hip to the jive and gather around for their taste of the warm mash.  It must be like chocolate ice cream for them as they body block each other out of the way.  Fortunately Lilly is tall and strong, as old as she is, and manages to get her head in the bucket and keep it there.  I lean the bottom of the bucket against my stomach and stand fast as she will knock me over if I don't.  I wish I could mix warm slop for all of them, but that would cost a fortune and I don't have the proper feeding apparatus for that.  Lilly is a bag of bones and needs the sustenance.  I have four or five  old ladies who could use it too, but Lilly's backbone is the standing the highest.  I would separate her from the flock and lavish goodies on her but we're not there...yet.

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