Monday, January 20, 2014

Got Gotlands!

Last May at the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival I met a lovely family from Pennsylvania that raises Gotland sheep.  Gotlands are Swedish sheep that boast very lustrous and beautiful fiber.  The family was selling yarn spun from their Gotlands and I picked up a few skeins for myself, Annie Tarbox, and Kimmie Cornerstone.  Low and behold one of Kim's fabulous care packages arrived recently with the Multatelli French Roast that I love and depend on, Swiss chocolate for those down times, a lovely hand made angel ornament (I need all the help I can get)  and TWO pairs of Gotland socks!!   You have to understand that Kim just learned to knit a couple of years ago when I taught her the knit and purl stitches.  Socks are very challenging and "turning a heel" is a landmark rite of passage for a knitter.  Then there is the tricky toe assembly that makes the sock caress the toes without creating a lump in your shoes.  Then there is the dreaded "Second Sock Syndrome" where, after completing one sock you must make another exactly like it.  I'm constantly afflicted with Second Sock Syndrome.  I'm in awe of these socks, not only because they are perfectly executed, and the fact that Kim took many hours to knit TWO pair for me, but I bought the yarn for her to use for herself or her family.  I shouldn't be surprised.  Kim is incredibly thoughtful and generous.  I love my socks and I'm wiggling my gnarly toes in them right now.

1 comment:

  1. Do your socks two at a time with the magic loop method and you will never have second sock syndrome! That's what I do and more socks get knitted. Stay warm!


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