Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Drove to school on covered roads.  Luckily I got behind the spreader from New Berlin to Norwich.  It was slow but safer.  Pretty little snow all day which ramped up as I was in the New Berlin PO after work
getting orders out.  Got five packages assembled, making quite the spectacle of myself with all my boxes, totes and tissue papers spread out on the little table in the tiny room.  The truck driver was tapping his toe as I handed them over to Mark the clerk.  When I finished with the bank, gas station and Dollar store for Lizzie's salmon pate the snow was coming in earnest.  Route 8 was almost a white out.  I kept my two left wheels on the middle lines where I could hear/feel  the bumps that keep you from straying over to the other side.  Route 8 is flat for quite a stretch and the drifts cover the road.  I stayed at 30 for ten miles.  What a relief to be home to my animals safe and sound.  I love living in the barn this time of year.  Two doors and there they are.  Cold as heck out there but dry and no wind.  The water was frozen this morning and I'm sure it will freeze hard tonight.  I fill the water containers twice a day and do they ever drink a lot.  When they are on hay they drink a ton of water.  I've tried large tanks with a heater but the water gets filthy and I've lost little ones who jump in off their mother's back.  We have a few very cold days ahead with more snow.  I'll be stoking the stove tonight.  First dinner, then chores then one more round of hand creme.  

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