Thursday, December 12, 2013

Much Better

Back roads covered and icy this morning but much better on the way home.  You would think I'd be used to this after seven years here in the Great North Land.  Two miles outside of Norwich I passed a little car overturned in a deep ditch.  Only the wheels and undercarriage visible.  Fire truck was there plus every yahoo in overalls with emergency lights on their pick-ups speeding to the scene so I didn't stop.  I wondered what I could have done if I was the first one there.  Couldn't even get to their doors.  Turns out it was two teacher aides who bring the profoundly handicapped kids to my art room.  Gave me shudders to think of them hanging upside down with their seat belts on.  Glad I have the big bucket of bolts with new snow tires on.  There were checked out at the ER and released.   Very cold on the farm this morning - minus 6 F.  Cold enough for me thank you very much.  Sheep and goats seem fine and the few ducks outside seem fine.  I haul warm water to them but spouse points out there is water for them in back of the barn in the marsh.  Would love to catch them but I need more legs than the two I am sporting to herd them in.  Maybe I can get Kimmie Cornerstone and crew down here to help.  Daryl is so handy and I have a couple of jobs for him.  Lucky for me they like to get their farm fix once in a while.  I owe Kim more fiber for the cute little loom she brought me for my classroom.  Sadly, it is just a little big to fit in my Blazer and I don't know how I'm going to get it into school.  I'll think of something.  I still harbor visions of a weaving studio up in the cavernous extra hay mow that is housing nothing but ghosts over my head.  I got some more packages mailed tonight after work.  I don't do a lot of mail order and that's okay.  I'm really not set up for it but do appreciate the people who like my goods and want more.  Maybe someday I'll learn how to print out mailing labels at home and get boxes online instead of hoping they have enough for me at the PO.  The waxing crescent lit up the hillside enough that I didn't need the headlight to walk the doggies after work.  I made a mental note to fill up the holes in the ground *before* it snows.  I've stepped in them twice recently and was relieved nothing snapped.  I can't be laid up - not now - no way.  Will put the news on and get out to chores.  Have to get some shut-eye tonight.   I almost fell asleep in class today while my co-teacher was reading the story of the Trojan Horse to the students.  It was a cool bedtime story.  

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