Monday, July 22, 2013

What to Do...

Spouse has gone off to teach weatherization in Queens all week.  I'm holding down the farm.  What joy - I can tend to critters, tidy up, then do all the crafts I want.   I have so much planned for myself that I'm getting a little headache thinking about it.  No matter, some toast and rhubarb/strawberry jam will calm me down.  I've already spread out two mohair fleeces out to skirt.  I have to clean off the dye stove, wash all the buckets, feed pans and chicken waterers I have piled in the slop sink, and fire up the dye pots.  I found a giant tub in the upper mow filled with lovely black Bluefaced Leicester fleeces.  I'll use them for myself, but all of this year's black fleeces will go as raw wool.  I have all the ingredients I need to make my Shepherd's Friend, even two pounds of lavender essential oil, except maybe for labels.  Not anxious to make a 50 mile round trip to Norwich but I need a drive band for my old Singer and might be able to get one there along with the creme labels.  Note to self - stock up on extra drive bands.  This one is held together with super-glue.  The day will fly by.  If the band goes I can cut out bags for days with all this gorgeous fabric I have.  I have plans to make knitting needle cases and Yarn Pockets too.  The bags are my first love.  When your life is busy and complicated, or scary and horrific, make totes to carry the weight.  Hoping to get up to the pond again tonight.  We went up with the dogs last night hoping to take in the full moon, but the cloud cover was so thick there was no sunset brilliance or moonglow either.  She showed herself momentarily on the way back down the hill to remind me she was really there.   The royal baby is on the way.  Oh, wouldn't it be nice for all babies to be so anticipated and loved.  Annie's home made hearts of sunflower seed bread for breakfast.  I hid some in the freezer for myself.  It's too good to put jam on it, just real butter, with pulpy orange juice.  Life is good.

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