Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Little Prince

I kept an eye on the news all day yesterday, waiting for the grand news, and mentally going through labor with Kate.  It was hot, muggy and cloudy.  I had been hoping around pretty much all day, and laid down on the sofa for a nap with the doggies.   I drifted away and had the most lovely nap.  Dreamed I heard the phone ringing.  It stopped and rain again.  I staggered over to the nasty bugger and looked to see who it was.  I don't get a lot of calls, mostly ads due to my commercial farm listing (bad idea) but when they rang twice....It was a very annoyed Sister Bernadette telling me that baby goats were in the driveway, running toward the back of the barn where the silos are.  Sister Bernadette is the sister of Farmer Chris, who still lives in the little farmhouse next to my barn.  His family worked this farm for fifty years.  Sister Bernadette and her sibling, Sister Grace, nailed up the roof over my head so she gets special consideration from me.  The roof never leaks.  I knew I would hear from Sister Bernadette sometime this summer, and it wouldn't be good news.  Farmer Chris is a saint, and never complains about my wild menagerie swarming over his little patch of land adjacent to mine.  The Sisters like order, and boundaries and rules obeyed, which I have never been good at.  I peaked out the window at the driveway and didn't see any baby goats.  Back to the sofa and the news to find I missed the big announcement.  I'm not a celebrity followed by any stretch of the imagination, but I am fascinated by the Royals.   I stayed up all night to watch Diana's wedding.  I adored her.  I'm so appreciative of the attention the press is giving her with regard to William and Kate's baby.  I identified with Diana in many ways.  It's complicated.  Anyway, I'm loving this event.  I've got a stack of Bundaflicka totes on the machine, and, after chores and doggie walking, I'll be stationed there, in front of the telly, watching for a glimpse of The Little Prince.

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