Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ridiculous Rain

 Got home after stops for gas and pet food, put the leashes on and ran the dogs up to the pond.  Best balm a troubled mind can find is a good long look at the stunning view from the top.  After being shut in all day the dogs like it too.  Let the sheep out on the way up and watched them run for the green grass.  They didn't have much time to eat.  The sky turned black and wave after wave of rain came down.  They took it for a while then ran for the barn.  Came back out, started nibbling, then another deluge.  Lost TV and hope I don't lose power.    Lots of grass out there and would love to get some of it bailed but in this weather don't know. Now it's thundering.  I noticed Lola, aged goat mommy, left the barn to follow the flock and her baby wouldn't come with her.   While I gave afternoon bottles I saw him relax and play in the barn, running up and down the length of the barn.  Guess he knows she'll be back when her udder is full.  Things going well in school until today when it totally went so bizarre and weird that it defies imagination.    Don't know why I even let it bother me.  Couldn't wait to get home and be with my animals.  They are the only people I can trust.  Crash boom bang thunderstorm going on now, at 6:30.  This is the kind of storm that Luke and I like to watch sitting on round bales in the hay mow with the giant doors open to the hillside.   Three more weeks...

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