Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Love My Black Girls

There she was, the elusive little black yearling doe I adore, but who I rarely get my hands on.   She is so fast, and so little, I can't catch her.  I did get my hands on her last summer and clipped her baby hair myself, holding her squirming on my lap.  I like to give the mama goats who are loose in the barn with their babies some cracked corn while the big fat sheep are out grazing.  When the giant corn hogs are in the barn the goats don't have a chance.  I saw the little black girl in the group and threw down some more corn.  I grabbed her horns and she was mine.  Luckily Matt was here tonight and consented to hold her horns while I gave her a haircut.   The mohair is wonderfully soft and a lovely gun metal dark gray.   It will blend nicely with some black angora rabbit.  Hmmm, hmmm.   I finished and that girl was gone, back out to the pasture in the dark to eat grass - and there is a lot of it.  Raining tonight in Brookfield.  I don't think we have any drought worries this summer.  I have another little black girl who will give birth soon.  Wouldn't it be nice if she has a little black girl, too?   I have one in the nursery - tiny little thing herself.  She wiggled out of the maternity pen tonight and was running around in the big barn, giving her mom - and me - fits.  Luckily I caught her before she was run over by the big toe-crushing sheep.   I gave her back to her mama and covered up the hole.   Ask me how I can leave this crowd and go to work all day?  I've thought about installing a barn cam I can check from work, but I would be looking at it all day long.  Three more weeks and I'll be home with them all summer.  Can't happen too soon.

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