Friday, April 05, 2013

Last Day

Bolted up at 5:30 but forced myself to go back to sleep, just because I could.  It's Friday and the last day of my "vacation."  I'll make the best of the last remaining time I have to devote myself to my farm and my crafts.  Sewed late last night on two messenger totes.  They are tricky if you don't do them often, which I don't.  People are crazy about them.  I think it's awkward to have to pull up the big flap to get to your stuff, and prefer a wide, open, easy-access bag.  Maybe the messenger style is more youthful and stylish, which is so not me, anymore that is.   I wonder if the anaesthesioligist will stop by for another messenger tote.  She was thrilled with the special order tote I made for her last year, her second Bundaflicka tote.  She puts everything she needs to sustain her for hours of sitting by a patient in surgery in the tote - water bottles, knitting, books, etc.  The Gunlocke upholstery fabric is perfect for that.  Nice lady.  I look forward to seeing people year after year, and am always reluctant to leave the booth for fear I might miss somebody.  Took a walk up the hill with the doggies early.  Cooper loves the water!   We didn't go all the way up to the pond, but stopped half way up at the little hawthorne grove where the springs come up through the ground.  Cooper dug a new hole and found water.  He put his nose in it, snorting and having a good time.  The sheep are lined up at the gate to go out and graze but there is no grass, only moss and sticks from the thistle we mowed down.  I have to buy a brush hog to make sure that Scottish thistle does not come back this year.  We borrowed one from Julia Berger last year but it was too big for the little 1946 Ford to pull.  We have to navigate a huge slick of ice to get back into the barn door.  Fortunately there is some bark from chopping wood to keep me from going down while being pulled by dogs on leashes.   On deck for today - I have to journey south to Oxford to see Daryl Lanning and sign my tax returns - not usually a happy trip.  Let's put it this way, I never get money back.  Will stop in Norwich to pick up a few things and get back to the farm as quickly as I can to get back to work.  Critters, soap and sewing on the agenda for this afternoon.  I'm mulling over some things to do with my art students next week.  I might plant garden seeds in toilet paper rolls with the little ones, after they've decorated the rolls with picture of the veggies.  Then they can take them back to their classrooms and put them in the window to watch them sprout.  That requires purchasing planting soil and seeds, and figuring out what containers they can stand them up in, etc.  Nothing is simple in art class.  It's so much more than printing out worksheets...

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