Saturday, April 06, 2013

Get It In Gear

Groggy today and I know why.  We stopped at La Maison Blanche yesterday and picked up some goodies to make us feel better when we got the bad news at the accountant.  No bad news - we didn't have to pay this year.  The bad news came this morning when I feel terrible after eating those naughty but divine pastries. I better get it in gear - so much to do today.  Matt is picking up hay and I have to get over to Waterville to the Louis Gale Feed Mill for my bi-monthly grain pick up.  Always nice to see Theresa who works there.  I'm giving the sheep a little grain each night to get them through this prolonged cold spring.  Have to catch the pregnant goats and get them partitioned away from the big FAT sheep who knock the goats out of the way.  Will check out fence line feeders at Maryland Sheep and Wool.  I have two lovely partially completed messenger totes on the machine, but can't touch them until all the sheep work is done, kitchen cleaned up and Rosemary soap made.  I gave up last night after chores and went to bed at 10.  Big mistake as I woke up at 2 and had to use various forms of mind control to get back to sleep.  The cappucino I drank with the goodies didn't  help.  Very cold this morning.  Love the coldness, but long for the green fields.  Last night I took the dogs out and gazed at the magnificent heavens.  There was every constellation I could think of and more displayed in the moonless night sky along with several orange planets.  My giant silo and pine tree silhouetted black against the stars makes me gasp at the beauty.  Very stiff this morning.  Started up on my yoga again and am aching a bit.  Has got to be done or I will shrivel up in a ball.  Forgot to get the kale I wanted at the market yesterday, but I got a good deal on Lilly's apples.  Five pounds for $5 instead of 3 for $4.99 locally.  Will not take spouse in the grocery store with me again as he kept making annoying comments like "Whadya need THAT for????" and "Are you done????"  Where does he think the food comes from?  The faeries?  

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