Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday Night

In from the barn to wind down a bit after a busy day.  So good to look up the hill and see the flock grazing on green grass when just a short month ago the hillside was streaked with snow.   Still no goat babies.  Got another mom-to-be clipped, wormed and vaccinated.  I'm getting some lovely mohair off these ladies which I will dye this summer.  Drying wet fiber is so much easier when the sun and wind helps out.  I'm thrilled that my Fancy, of the Fancy and Matilda Nubian goat duo, is pregnant.  She has quite the udder on her already.  I'll have to get my milking stand ready.  I'm planning on making the milk room a milking parlor.  I'm stroking Fancy's udder and legs to get her used to being handled.  I'm hoping to raise enough milk to be milk independent here on the farm.  I want to make some goat milk lotion to compliment my heavy duty Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme.  We'll see how it goes.  I adore my beautiful, sensuous, but gutsy Nubian girls.  Many thanks to Peggy Van Vorce of West Creek Family Farm for the fabulous goats.  Will sew a bit before bedy-bye.  Still tired from hopping around all day with the paper making.  I feel good on six hours sleep if I can get it.  Night time is my most productive time, after the sheep are bedded down and the barn is quiet.  The White Boys are barking their warning into the darkness for the predators to stay away, and the inside dogs are holding down the sofas.  I make my popcorn and lemon/ginger tea and run my sewing machine.  When life gives you a heavy load, sew totes to sort it all out.

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