Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bags Are Us

Final preparations are being made for the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival this weekend.  We will have more Bundaflicka Knitting Totes than ever before, including two big, floppy wonderful messenger totes in beautiful Swedish colors.
We will also have lovely, funky blocks of  olive oil felting soap milled from the scraps of many different varieties of goat milk soap, and tons of Shepherd's Friend Hand Creme to soothe and protect those hard working farmer hands.

Those of you who cannot travel to the Howard County Fairgrounds in West Friendship, Maryland, can get in touch and this bundaflicka will get the goods to you via good old US Mail.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Hi Maggie,
    If you could hold a jar of Patchoulie creme for me until Sunday at ms&w I'd really appreciate it! Jill (from PA)


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