Wednesday, April 03, 2013


In from chores around ten.  Worried about some skinny girls out there.  Some of the sheep are fat and happy  but some are quite thin.  We really need that green grass to start growing.  I'm buying hay now and it looks like I will be buying it for some weeks to come.  Just what I need... I spent an hour or so scrubbing out old feed pans with bleach and water so I can give the sheep some grain.  Wish I had a better feeding system, as in any system at all.  The way I do it now I just toss out enough pans to spread everybody out.   The bullies dive in and crowd the weaker ones out, so  I, the biggest bully sheep of all, go in and feed the weak ones with the ladle.  Many out weigh me by many pounds but they know who the boss is.  I've been suspicious of a couple of black goatie girls who have been looking a tad roundish.  When they were gulping the grain I was able to palpate their udders from behind.  Sure enough there is a little swelling.  Not what I need to worry about three weeks before Maryland, but babies come from heaven!   I need help catching them and penning them in so will have to wait until Saturday when Matt comes back from a business trip.  Sure hope they don't drop any babies in this cold.  Angora babies do not do as well as lambs in the cold.  After all they are desert animals.  My one goat kid born this year, Little Guy, is as cute as a button, leaping and playing all the time.  I adore black mohair.  It is my absolute favorite fiber to spin, next to angora rabbit.  I made Lemon Eucalyptus soap tonight.  I doubled the essential oil as it is the best anti-bug soap there is.  I know we will have a killer year for fleas, just like last year, and eucalyptus is a terrific flea soap.   My whole house smells like Vicks Petroleum.  Does anyone use that any more?  I will sew a little more tonight.  My Bundaflicka Knitting Totes are decorating the ceiling of the apartment - the only safe place for them in this crazy house.  I have twelve hanging so far and two almost completed.  I'm having so much fun sewing them Sm and I have to make myself break away to do other things, like cook, clean and do chores.  Well, not really with the chores.  I love to spend time with my animals.  Every once in a while when I'm out there with them,  a sheep runs up to me and puts his nose on the side of my face.  I know that it's Lilly's boys, Forrest and Tucker.  Lilly's Luna is not as affectionate as her brothers - yet.  I bet she will be someday soon.  It was that way with the boys.  I want to keep Lilly's line going and will find a way to get Luna bred next year I think.  Lilly is just too old and I don't want her pregnant.  I'll go to town tomorrow to buy more apples.   It was an off night with no apples tonight, but I gave them grain instead.   I hear the weather will be warming up.  I confess I'm enjoying this cold with the extra light at night.  Seems strange to have snow on the ground and icicles hanging from the barn.   My dog walks up and around the pound are very invigorating and enjoyable.  The gold fish are not awake yet.   Smart fish.  I picked up the mail today - the first time I got in the car in five days, how wonderful.  My Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival catalogue was there.  Yes, I am listed as a vendor - Farm and Garden Building, booth 6, across from Susan's Fiber Shop.  I guess it's true.  Now I am nervous.  No use complaining or whining about everything I have to do.  I've done it for so many years nobody listens. I will burn the midnight oil and make it there somehow, birthing baby goats along the way.  I sent some pictures to Kimmie Cornerstone to enter into the photo contest.  Kim has a guy who prints and mats them so nicely.  I have one or two that I really like, but nothing that rivals Luna's Best in Show from last year.  Two years before that I won BIS for my dearly departed Horatio.  We'll see how it goes.  I want to enter some hand spun skeins this year.  Every time I wander through the fiber art exhibitions I'm sorry I didn't have anything in it.  Kim wins ribbons every year for her drop spindled hand spun.  Gorgeous stuff...

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