Tuesday, April 02, 2013


April 2 and the weather is wild.  There is intermittent sunshine and dark clouds with a fierce wind blowing horizontal snow.  It was 18 F. this morning and has not risen much over 20 all day.  I confess I am fine indoors with my sewing and soap making.  If it was balmy and 60 out there I would be taking fleeces outside to skirt and planning my raised beds for kale and pumpkins - two things I want to grow this  year.  Truth be told we really need the fields to start growing grass.  I am totally out of round bales and am feeding some lovely green first cut from North Brookfield.   It's a bit more coarse than what my sheep are used to, but they are so hungry they're eating it.  Matt is picking it up every weekend for me until they can go out and graze.  By the looks of this weather that might be a while.   I had gotten used to forking round bales and miss them now.  The square bales are bound in polyester string that must be cut and collected or it will wrap around the sheep/goat feet and cause problems.  Just ask my poor Sidewinder.
Father Chaplain Aaron just called and we had a nice chat.  Lots of good things happening with him out there in the western desert.  Mia was able to make it up to the farm for Easter with us.  She was hardly here 24 hours but we made the most of every minute.  With her Nurse Practitioner job taking 14 hours a day of her time it is tough to get together.  I had not seen her since Christmas, the longest we have ever been separated.  What sweeties they both are.  Just took the doggies up the big hill for our daily spa walk.   It's pretty cold out there and the wind is ferocious.   Even the dogs did their business and ran for the door when we walked back down.  I'm walking new puppy (all 80 pounds of him) Cooper on the medieval torture collar mercifully sent to me by Carol Crayonbox.  It's the only way to prevent my arm from being ripped off.  We walk so nicely together, but he's figured out that if we stop and I let some slack go in the leash he can tip his head and drop it off.  That's when Cooper likes to run back down to the barn and go after the chickens.   He's such a sweet, beautiful dog, but killing chickens is not allowed on this farm. Thank goodness he hasn't gone after Matt's ducks.  I would have to put Cooper in the Witness Protection Program.   I'm hoping he matures and, with time, learns some manners.  Even with a basket full of juicy bones his favorite toy is my big round felted pin cushion.  When  I'm sewing I have to carry it around with me to keep Cooper from sneaking it off the machine.  He loves to pull the pins out with his mouth and toss them around.  Just what I need - dogs swallowing extra long dressmaker pins!!  

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