Monday, March 25, 2013

Still So Cool

Easter egg dyeing went well today.  The two classes of little high functioning special needs kids are fantastic. They come with several aides who pitch in and help them with the activities.  Art teaching is wonderful, but requires a lot of forethought and preparation.  Fawn and I had each table set for two students with eggs, white crayon to color designs ( I taught them about "resist") five color tablets and five Chobani containers,  an egg dipper, stickers and paper towels.   One kid kept asking if I had any raw eggs for him to blow the insides out of.  I said sure why not, then every kid had to try it over the sink after I made the up and down holes in them.  These extra classes come on top of the high school kids I already have, so there are some big kids in the back of them room painting, or beading, or taking advantage and slacking off.  One kid started painting a scene from Monet's Giverny, and loosened the top of a bottle of white paint.   It exploded all over him.  Seems it had fermented quite a bit and just had to blow.  The kid took it well and I found a tee shirt from our tie-dyeing class for him to put on while I ran to the laundry room to put his jet black hoodie and shirt in the wash.  Luckily the white paint came out.    I knew some of my paint was getting stinky but I had no idea...The day went on and on.  Seems like there is something in the air.  The naughty room was full and I had kids balking at this and that.  The student who set the Vietnam War type booby trap for me has not come back to school since.   I'm keeping my box of pins under close scrutiny.  Long day then a stop at the local shipping store Hayes to get that box shipped that the Staples people screwed up.  I emailed John at the mill to tell him one more box was coming.  Home after two stops at PO and market.  Must keep Lilly in her apples.  Had a lovely chat with Father Aaron in Las Vegas who is enjoy the Holy Week activities.  He asked, like a good priest son would, if I went to church on Palm Sunday.  I told him I went to the Church of the Universal Shepherd, located here on the farm.  He laughed.   I got home and promptly fell asleep in the driveway, holding on to the steering wheel.  Woke up with a start and got myself and packages in side.  The dogs always go crazy when I get home.  Feel sorry for them so got my boots on to take them up the hill.  Was glad I did - so refreshing to be out in the cold and snow.  Perked me up quite a bit, enough to make dinner, then chores, now here I am.  I caught little Guy by his sweater and gave him a nice snuggle and smooching.  Oh, he's so cuddly and sweet.  Angora goat kids like to be held, unlike lambs who would really rather you not.  I've got my blue mohair spread out in front of the fire.  It's been taking forever to get it dry.  I tried putting it outside on the wire rack yesterday in the cold and sun, but an avalanche of ice coming down from the metal roof set me back a bit.  I'm blending this deep blue mohair with some dark purple Bluefaced Leicester wool.  Have to get it out to the mill or they won't do it in time for Maryland.  Since they don't go to Maryland any longer they will send it back postage free.  The dogs are all asleep around me.  I'm wondering if I should skip their nightly walk, but I might be sorry if I do that.  Sure would like to stretch out and go night-night.  Tomorrow will come way too soon.

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