Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Magical Night

I can't recall a more magically beautiful night.  The full moon was shining through the slats of the barn while I was forking down hay to the animals.  Through one broken slat I could see the snow covered fields under the piney ridge to the east end of the barn.  It took me a while to get everybody taken care of, but that's okay.  Chores are a blessing, a special time with my animals.  No matter how tired and strung out I am from school, my chores straighten me out and put me in a better place.  I spent about two hours in the barn, then I had to get up on the hill to take in that moonlight.  I took the dogs with me,  and climbed half way up.  It was enough to take in the broad vista of valley and piney ridge.  The sky was bright with the full moon, but stars were still twinkling brightly and the funny little orange planet was glowing just over the tree tops.  The snow covered fields and hillside shimmered in the moonlight.   The barn down below where I was standing with the dogs looked so beautiful, like she must have been when she was in her prime, with a hundred cows inside, bedding down for the night in their spaces.  Wish I could have experienced this magnificent farm back in the day, when all three hundred acres were used to support the dairy operation.  I can't imagine a more diverse and gorgeous collection of hills and fields.  I'm so glad I have a part of it.  I am beginning to think of what will happen to it when I'm gone.  As much as I hate to think about it, as much as it hurts, I can't imagine anyone in my family doing what I do with the sheep.  Mia is firmly entrenched in her medical career in New Jersey.  Father Aaron, even if he moved back East which he wants to do, is an urban animal and has no interest in the farm.  Eric is the same way.  Matt would be here as long as it takes to get the sheep on a truck.  That leaves Hannah and Luke, and I know their parents have big ideas for them as far as college and careers are concerned.  I imagine an Amish family would do quite nicely here.  They are moving into this area all the time.  I like watching them work.  When I'm in the barn doing chores I know they are too.  We think alike, only they have many more skills.  I like the idea of keeping the farm in the family in case someone is down on their luck and needs a safe place to land for a while, or do some homesteading, or grow vegetables.  For now, I am going full steam ahead, and will continue to have fun, and I will pretend that day will never come.


  1. I may have commented once before, but I do read every one of your posts. I admire all you do. Thank you for sharing your life.

  2. This is such a nice post, Maggie! Thank you.


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