Tuesday, March 05, 2013

New Tote

Work went well today.  Much positive feedback from the new principal.  He's a great guy and very supportive of my art program.  It was his idea to make me full time art, and he's given me much encouragement.  The little kids, two classes of them came today.  We have another class of youngins on Monday, too.  Our hanging aquarium is looking very nice.  We have tropical fish, crabs, sharks and shells along with some kelp swimming around over our heads.  Our art classes eat up the crafts, then I fall back on painting.  Painting is my favorite.  It's what art is all about.   I just taught them about Fauvism with the broad brush strokes and vivid colors.  Next we'll do Impressionism.  I think we will paint a Monet's Garden mural for the hall.  Our Water for Elephants mural kept falling down so we dismantled it and hung up the elephants in our room.  Drove home in lovely weather - crisp and cold in vivid blue skies.  Would love to lie down but getting up again would be difficult.  I'm drinking Gevalia's Afternoon Revival tea - appropriate name - and sewing a Bundaflicka tote which I will take a picture of and enter in the Colorscape jury.  My images are due by Monday.  I love this upscale show which takes place in Norwich on the town square.  It is the start of the fall season for me, and many of the patrons are people I know from school.    Right now all my efforts have to be focused on Maryland.  I'm very excited about the annual trip to the Mecca of All Things Fiber.  The weather here in the North Land is still cool the first week of May, but Maryland can be boiling by then.  One year Kim and I stopped at a, yes, I confess, Walmart to buy some cheap shorts and sandles it was so hot.   I will have a new booth neighbor on one side as the weaver from Montana is not coming back.  I have an idea for some chicken wire screens to use as booth partitions.  Very farmy and I would be able to hang things on them.  Better get to work on that soon, along with everything else.  All the wool I get carded will go right to the Farmer's Market in Hamilton the week after I come back from Maryland, and then Bouckville in June.  All very exciting.  Better get to work.   

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