Monday, March 04, 2013

Monday Night

Lydia is better tonight, so much so that she jumped out of her sick box and bolted out the door into the dark and cold.  Could not find her but will keep looking.  Very, very cold out there tonight.

Started a new project with the little ones today - stuffed fish.  Seemed appropriate for the Pisces People.  The kids cut great big construction paper tropical fish out, then painted both sides before stapling them together and stuffing them with newspaper.  Fawn and I are hanging them from the ceiling and they look so cool.  The kiddie classes are working well, and the two or three 18 year olds I have the same period are joining in with their projects.  Sometimes it's okay to be a kid again.

Stayed after school to do some special ed paperwork due today.  Arrived home to find the doggies had been very, very naughty.  New dog, Cooper, is 1 year old, and, if the theory holds true, he is 7 in human years.  That figures about right.   We have a long way to go with this boy.  Good thing he's so cute.

The sheep had their apples tonight.  When Matt went into town yesterday to get the Sunday paper he said no the the apples.  Said there was no way he was going to pay $5 for a bag of apples.  Okay.  I got them after work today and gave them to the old ladies, on small slice at a time.  Love those girls, and if a sliver of apple puts a spring in their step and a twinkle in their eyes, well, so be it.

Sewing Bundaflicka totes.  In this small apartment the sound of my clickety-clack sound of my sewing machine is very loud.  I like to sew at night.  Spouse likes to watch TV.  Therein lies the problem.   Heck, I think I will throw in the towel and go horizontal.  Izzy is giving me that longing look that says he is ready, too.  Nighty-night.

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