Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still High

Oh, I had such a nice time last night.  I'm still high on it, which is a good thing because I'm not getting as much done today as I would like.  Kathy Herold's artsy house has inspired me to do some redecorating here.  The spousal unit has some carpentry work to do on my new work room which will allow some expansion into extra space and solve some organizational problems.  Giving him a new Kindle Fire is not helping with those plans.  Football games are not helping, either.  I remain patient and hopeful.  In the meantime I have images of the party still rolling around in my mind.  I also have left over tamales heating on the stove.  Luckily, my stove lights with a match because the electricity which we thought was fixed with some troubleshooting today remains sadly, very sadly,  not fixed.  Thank goodness for headlights, batteries, firewood and propane. 

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