Sunday, January 13, 2013

Artsy Folksies

I was thrilled to see Candace Cain, High Priestess of the Clan of Candace, come to the Tamale Party at Kathy's last night.  She had all the news for me from the Roc Day celebration in Ithaca, that mythical land west of here I have heard of but never been to.  Roc Day is the day that Christmas celebrations are over and the spinners go back to work.  Or something like that.  I do not participate, as I pretty much stay close to the farm in the winter.  Commuting back and forth to work in Norwich is quite enough of a dangerous adventure, thank you very much.  I had thought of trying to make it to Roc Day in Ithaca this year, but the chills and fever of the night before - not the flu, thank you Lord - took it out of me, along with the desire to get chores done in time to make it to Kathy's party.  Farmer's are not allowed to be sick but once in a while something has to give.  Candace gave me the poop about how Lisa Merian - Queen of the Sheep and Fiber Art Kingdom of Central New York who lured me north to Nirvana  and my farm - had been delayed by the fog and was bumped out of her vendor spot at the Roc Day celebration.  The evil powers that be - who shall remain nameless because I have my own opinions about them as I was once a booth-neighbor at Fingerlakes and succeeded in having my space moved away from them - told her she could not set up.  They underestimated the power of the shepherd who is drive to create in order to keep her sheep alive.  The intrepid Lisa set up her booth in the parking lot and did a booming business.  There was a giant sucking sound of the carded wool leaving her booth with happy patrons.  Wish I had been there to see it.  You go, Girlie!  I satisfied myself with sinking into Kathy's cushy sofa with other artsy glitterati, a margarita in my hand and listening to the stories of the fibery day where my friends Carol Crayonbox, Libby Llop, John E. Davis and Candace herself partied down. 

1 comment:

  1. I love Lisa's stuff. I was in VA, so couldn't make the ROC day. I'll bet I know the "PTB" who moved her. Big mistake on their part.


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