Friday, November 16, 2012

Studio Art

I'm enjoying my Studio Art classes.  I was a bit nervous about it at first, wondering how I was going to keep the kids happily occupied.   They are doing great things, and I am very gratified.  I'm blown away by their imagination and use of color.  I was thinking I was doing too much painting with them, even though they are very much absorbed in it, so I've started some sewing.  What else?  Tote bags.  One student told me his grandmother's birthday is today, and he had to finish a tote to bring home to her.  Talk about pressure.  He never touched a sewing machine before, but bravely soldiered into it.    At times he got a bit nervous and asked me to hold the fabric while he worked the foot pedal.  I would say forward, go back, etc.  It was a lot of fun.  I felt eyes in back of us and turned around to see the principal watching us.  He was very impressed.  The student took a cute little tote home to Grandma and I was very satisfied. 

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