Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Snow Today

Lovely, sunny and warmish weather yesterday.  Woke up to thick white snow flakes falling this morning at 4:30.  It was beautiful while it lasted - a hint of what's to come.  The first time I drove to the farm after purchasing it in 2005, we got out of the truck and were hit by such an icy cold blast of wind we jumped back in.  The storms blow in off Lake Ontario and keep us hunkered down inside.  Plenty of firewood, but it's out back and requires much toting and stacking to keep enough inside.  I made it through the winter last year with only wood heat, but that required stoking at midnight and three, then again at six.  Quite frankly, it gets rather tedious, but there is nothing like the intensity of wood heat.  I love it.  Home on the farm taking care of some sheep business.  I HATE to miss work, thinking there is always going to be something awful when I get back.  Don't know how I've accumulated a bunch of sick days, but I have.   I don't take sick days, I take sheep days.  The life of a shepherd I guess.  Waiting for my guys to get over here and help me.  Matt is in Tennessee at the National Dept. of Energy headquarters doing something exciting and staying at a fancy hotel with all the amenities.  That's okay, go party, I've got plenty to do here.  He won't admit that he's having any fun at all but I know better.   Sure wish I had one of those lox bagels Mia served me at her place over the weekend.  Oh, my gosh, it was delicious.  Nobody makes them like the Morristown Deli.  Marc Marowitz, the owner, used to cater hospital parties when I was an employee there.  I like to stop in to the deli whenever I'm in Morristown.  Sorry, New York bagels can't compare.

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