Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sharing and Caring

I prepared the turkey, stuffing and yam casserole the night before, stashing the food in the oven safe from the dogs and cats.  I bought off the little mouse that lives under the stove with a hefty chunk of cheddar cheese.  I watched through the oven window as she grabbed it and pulled it down into her lair.  It must have worked as the foil cover was not scratched when I got up at 4 am to turn on the oven.  I laid back down and woke to the most lovely aroma filling the house.  I had the best attendance in a while at school.   The kids helped make gravy and carve the turkey.  We gathered around and gave thanks for our bountiful table.  They piled their plates high with food, dropping little bits on the floor as they went to their desks to chow down.  One student took both drumsticks on a mountain of stuffing.  I noticed he wrapped one in foil to take home.  For some this was the only Thanksgiving dinner they would have.  I love this part of teaching.


  1. You have a kind heart and I wish I would have had a teacher like you when I went to school. Lucky students :-)

  2. I love how he felt comfortable enough to do this. There should be many, many more educators just like you.

  3. I love how he felt comfortable enough to do this. There should be many, many more educators just like you.


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