Sunday, November 25, 2012

Family Thanksgiving

We made our way to Eric and Annie's lovely Maine home on Thanksgiving Day and arrived in time for dinner.  Mia and AJ were not far behind us, driving north from New Jersey.  What a thrill it was for me to have all three siblings, plus Annie, Hannah and Luke, under the same roof.  I last had them all together in front of me at Mia's wedding.  Annie prepared a bountiful table of scrumptious turkey, stuffing, roasted Brussels Sprouts, and yams to which I added a yam, pineapple and marshmallow casserole.  What a feast.  We went around the table and each declared something we are thankful for.  You don't have to guess what my gratitude was for.  We drank wine, cider and ginger ale while chatting about everything under the sun.  Annie made a pumpkin roll, a delicious, light and spicy cake spread with delectably whipped creme cheese frosting and rolled into a spiral roll.  She also made a ginger/pear pie - new to me and very enjoyable.   We later had a tea party in the family room, with a vintage tea set, chamomile tea, with milk and honey.   I slept the sleep of a very happy and contented grandmother, in a new red plaid LL Bean gown and forest green velour robe, gifts from Annie and laid out for me on the bed. 

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