Friday, November 02, 2012

Chow Time

Takes me a while to pull the round bales apart, throw the hay down the holes into the bins, climb down the ladder and pack it down (making sure there are no baby goats in the bin - which happened the other day) then dragging the bin over to the feeders to fill them up.  This method requires a few filling of the bins under two different holes, then there are the moms in their pens... The good thing is that there is very little waste this way.  If I rolled a bale out through the mud and let it get rained on while the sheep gathered around and pawed on it, well, much would be tramped into the mud.  This way almost every blade of the sweet grass can be consumed.  The sheep adore this hay.  God willing I will have twice as much next year.  I do so enjoy watching them chow down.  They grab big mouthfuls and relish every bite.  The goats have mastered pulling blades through the wooden stanchions while standing on the other side.  They don't have a chance standing next to the big fat sheep who body block them out of the way.  It's raining, raw and cold outside, but inside my big strong barn my critters are warm, dry and full of sweet green grass.  Life is good.  I think this shepherd is going to put a little viskey in her coffee to celebrate this Friday night.

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