Friday, November 02, 2012

Big Zack

My Zack is more like a dog than a Border Leicester ram.  Border Leicesters are the "Babe" sheep.  I bought him at Maryland Sheep and Wool two years ago from a 4-H family.  Libby Llop kindly brought him home for me and kept him for a while until she was able to make the trip over to my farm.  Zack has given me some lovely lambs without any planning on my part.  I took him out in plenty of time but he already got his licks in.  Zack has a very thick, dense fleece and a large, boxy body.  I wanted heavier fleeces on my Bluefaced Leicesters while keeping the clean Leicester face and bare legs for ease in shearing.  I never expected to have such a pussycat for a ram.  Zack lives in the back pasture with some angora goat bucks and wethers.  He has a silo room to bed down in with a window partially opened into the barn.  He likes to poke his head in and say hello while I scratch his chin.  Love my Zack. 

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