Thursday, September 20, 2012

Duck Tape Wallets

With a week of cave art under our belts I decided to give the kids a drawing and painting break and play with some Duck Tape.  Luckily our new local Dollar General had some nifty colors and patterns for me to chose from.  The kids tell me there are dozens of patterns and colors available.  Oh, how under-exposed I am up on the farm in Brookfield.  Lukie has a Duck Tape wallet he made in Cub Scouts and it looks pretty sturdy.  My students took to the task very well, and even came up with some other things to make, like purses and back packs.  We had some funny moments with lengths of tape sticking to kids, to tables, to the wrong pieces of tape, etc., but we managed to come up with some neat things.  They are proudly displayed for parents to enjoy in the art room.

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