Thursday, September 20, 2012

Duck Eggs!

Andrew Cleveland, a former student who helps me on the farm, pointed out a duck egg nest in back of the barn next to the chicken coop.  I hired Andrew to clean out my chicken room and he went about the mucking and toting of poop.  Andrew heard hissing from the protective mother duck, warning him to stay away and he realized she was sitting on a nest.  I can't wait for the ducklings to hatch.  I am very worried that with the cold weather coming Mom will not be able to keep them warm.  I'm obsessing about whether I should put an igloo covering over the nest, but am concerned about it spooking her.  I rushed home from work yesterday and found her off the nest, with the other ducks eating one of the eggs.  I was horror stricken and thought about bringing them inside, but decided against it when Mom got back on the eggs and hissed at me.  I hope she gives the other ducks a nice pecking if they bother her eggs again.

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