Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Little Friends

It was a bit of a shock coming back to the farm after my visit to Mia in upscale, classy Morristown, but here we are.  Many cliches apply - "it is what it is, gotta deal, get a grip," etc.   I'm taking it one day at a time.  My little friends always bring a smile to my face.  Sadie keeps me company while I sew, and the little Rambo lambs in the barn are always available for a hug.   I love to bury my nose into the warm lamb's wool and listen to their breath.  Mama wants to go out and graze, but I'm always worried about the babies getting trampled by the other big monster sheep.  Yes, it's happened.  Remember little Tank?   I'm always relieved when the lambs make it to adulthood.   The bucolic setting of the farm hides a dangerous world out there.

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