Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Back to the Farm

I traveled back from New Jersey, due north into the misty mountains, back to the farm.  I have a busy month ahead, with school starting next week and two shows this month.  I have to shear soon,  and get ready for winter.  Farm worries are always there - like a monkey on my back, scratching away, but I'll figure it all out.  If only I had found Julia Berger to bale hay for me a month earlier I would have a healthy second cut out there now.  As it is, I'll be lucky to get one this year.  The sun is waning and storms will be coming up the coast along with the rain and dampness.  I have three months of food in the barn, half of what I need.  I have plans to fence the flock in the back field so the second cut can grow but once school and shows start will I have the time to put in fence.  I'm working very hard on product and will have a healthy crop of new Bundaflicka totes to put out.  Quite a few are hanging from the rafters, but they need wood inserts, and I have to order snap frames. My signature woven labels are not here yet which means I have to sew them in by hand later - very time consuming.   I have to make a run today for dark brown thread for the four partially finished on the machine.  I won't diminish a lovely tote with off-color thread.  Everything is on sale now, but what teacher has any money after not working all summer?  I don't know very many who do.  I got one 26 pound Mother Fiber run out to the carding mill last week.  I still have some colorful runs to put out at Colorscape and the Fingerlakes Fiber Festival next month, but not enough for Rhinebeck.  I have to make creme and buy some more cups from Susann Farrington for my shaving mugs.  Then there is the firewood for winter issue to consider.  The list goes on and on.

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