Tuesday, July 03, 2012

What's on the Wheel

I'm spinning some lovely mohair right now.  It was a surprise run as I forgot I left it with the carder at Md. Sheep and Wool last year and was delighted when I got it back this spring.  I totally forgot how I got this lovely celery color, then examined it in the sunlight.  It's sky blue with chartreuse, slightly dissipated after washing.  I might never be able to duplicate it, making this run all the more special.  Kimmie Cornerstone and Carol Crayonbox both grabbed some to play with.  I was plying it with another pink/green run of BFL and angora, but think I will make one skein of two ply mohair for a scarf for myself.  I'm on a spinning jag right now.  Not getting much else done but I'll have lots of lovely hand spun to add to my basket. 

1 comment:

  1. I just finished spinning and plying mine -its so luxurious and yummy!!!!
    Ive started on the dark teal/black.
    Kim and the crew


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