Monday, July 02, 2012


Loving the kidlets being here.  Luke and Hannah are very helpful with everything from carrying in packages to helping with chores.  Luke is having a great time chopping down thistles and burdock with the machete.  Hannah is in charge of dragging the hose around and watering everybody.  Every night Luke and I go on an "eggpedition" where we find the hiding places of all the day's free range eggs.  We make "kitty stew" with the eggs, canned cat food and lots of dry dog kibble in two big buckets on a sheet of plywood in the barn.  Then we give it out.  There are several places that need attention including the chicken room, the maternity pen which currently houses five goat moms and their babies, the hay mow kitties, dairy goats in the between room, and three guard dog locations outside.  It takes a lot of foot power to cover all these stations, with grain for some, hay for some and water for everyone.  Then the ducks come along and muddy all the water they can get to.  Most of the sheep and goat water is hanging up high for that reason.  Many hands make light work.  Hannah and Luke know that between 6 and 7 they will hear the words "Time for Chores!"  So good to hear the pitter patter of little feet coming to work with me and, best of all, keep me company in the barn.

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