Saturday, July 07, 2012

Summer Heat

With this glorious intense heat and no fiber in the dye pots to dry I decided to wash my lamb sweaters and put them away until who-knows-when.  Each one was knitted with love in every stitch.  Friends knitted many of them for me including Kimmie Cornerstone, Carol Crayonbox and Shelly, Robin's sister, from school.  Some have been gently washed so many times they are felted down to ferret size.  These sweaters have saved many lives.  When the little wet ones slip out of the womb into the subzero temps a fluffy wool/angora sweater makes the difference between warm and happy bundle and frozen lambsickle.  I don't intend to do any serious lambing or kidding and might donate these to other shepherds along the way.  It's surprising how many who raise sheep or goats don't knit.  I put the instructions online to help those who want to learn. They are surprisingly easy and look real cute knitted in stripes of left over yarn. 

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