Friday, July 06, 2012

Dear Diary...

The day is flying by.  I don't know when the Parkinsons or Mia are getting here but I will be ready with food and drink.  I emptied the back of the dark refrigerator (it was rescued from a job site in NJ and has no light) and got half a dozen big jars of pickles, relish, etc.  Sister Grace and Sister Bernadette will be happy to get their jars back.  I'm hoping they are so relieved to get them they will reward me with another jar of Bread and Butter pickles or sweet relish.  Those ladies make the best pickles on the East Coast.  Yummy.  I was trying to make room and can finally fit a large box of Coca Cola cans for my granddaughter Hannah, which she lives on.  There is no greater love, let me tell you.  My kitchen is a mess but my chickens will be very happy tonight.  I made a big pasta salad with penne, sweet relish, canned tuna, veggie pepper, sea salt, olive oil, dill (always) and my new secret ingredient, Blueberry Sweet and Spicy Vinegar from Hill and Hollow Farm in Pavilion, NY.  Wish I found that stuff years ago.  It goes with anything, even tomato sauce, and is incredibly delicious.  I doubt if any child will touch the fishy pasta salad but I'm hoping the grown ups will.   After some seat time with the kiddies - they are watching Moonraker with Simon Templar as 007,  I will wash the dishes.  How can four people make so many dishes?  I suspect it is because we eat all the time.  God Bless America.  I have to go out to Hannah's Celebrity trailer to wrestle a young ground hog away from Finn.  Hannah let him loose to untangle his rope and he dashed away up the field.  Maybe he knew the ground hogs were moving in and wanted to take care of business.   Finn has the beast under the trailer in the cool dirt with him and I'm not liking the idea of crawling under there to sweet talk him away from his treat.  If I don't I suspect Hannah will have a lovely aroma filtering up into her sleeping area sometime tomorrow.  Life on the farm...

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