Friday, June 22, 2012

Sadie and Izzy

Sadie is a very happy puppy on the farm.  No chance of her going to live in New Jersey, and Mia is fine with that.   She is busy with her new exciting career as a surgical Nurse Practitioner and can't have a little puppy to worry about.   Besides, Sadie is a purebred farm hound dog and is happiest when she is roaming around digging up all things gnarly and disgusting.   Sadie has the happiest personality of any dog I've ever known, and she's even gotten old Izzy to loosen up and play with her.  Izzy usually remains aloof from any other-dog activities, refraining from any involvement in their silly activities.  He likes to go about his business around the farm, peeking down holes and eating various forms of dung.  He waits for his favorite time of day, when I get under the covers and Izzy crawls in along side me.  Woe to any dog that tries to come close.  Izzy will jump on top of me, all four paws firmly planted on my person, and snarl at the interloper.  Sadie waits until Izzy is very drowsy and crawls in on the other side.  Smart dog.  Last night Sadie had Izzy rolling around on the sofa, playing like a puppy, having so much fun.  I didn't know Izzy still had it in him.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! Very sweet. Also love the Solstice - everything is special then.


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