Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kidlets on the Way

I've waited all year to see them again and now they are on the way!  Eric, Annie and the kidlets are driving from Dallas, Texas, to their new home in Gorham, Maine, and will stop for one night on the way there.  With the end of school just yesterday, and me who always has every excuse in creation not to clean (animals and heat are my two favorites) the place is a mess.  There are piles of clean laundry, wool that needs to be picked and sorted (the dogs love to help with that) little balls of yarn, scraps of fabric, dishes, mail I chose to ignore, and the blankets and pillows I use to sleep on the sofa.  Funny, my mother gave up her bed in favor of the sofa in her later years.  I guess sleeping on the sofa makes me feel like I'm on vacation.  There are boxes of teacher-crap I had to clean out of TWO classrooms the last couple of days.  My truck has two sewing machines in it, and so much junk.  Good thing I have a tractor shed to stash this stuff.  It's unbelievable what a teacher can accumulate in just a year, and I had two rooms to do it in.  With summer school coming in, and administration having no idea what they are going to do with me next term, I had to take everything home. Oy.  Anyway...I gave up the market today to clean the house.  I love the market and will miss my market friends, and my meager earnings, but I also know that absence makes the heart grow fonder.  People often say are you going to be here all summer? so they don't buy that bar of soap or hank of yarn thinking it will always be there.  Today it's not there, so maybe they will grab it next week.  I'm glad I can check on Monkey, who is hanging against the wall in a spot of the barn where I rarely see her.  Maybe it is her time.  I'm so excited about seeing Hannah and Luke.  Luke wants to make a tire swing and the hay mow is a good place to do it.   Now how to get up thirty feet and connect a rope to the ceiling beam, and what kind of rope, and where do I find used tires?  These and many pressing questions will be swirling around my mind as I try to make some sense out of this place.  "Try" is the operative word here...

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