Wednesday, June 13, 2012

New Fiber Friend

I met Jan Buck after hours at the CNY Fiber Artists Showcase.  She's a spinner friend of Peggy Van Vorce of West Creek Family Farm, somewhere in the wilds of Western New York near Newark Valley.   Jan was making a bed for herself in Peggy's booth with fluffy sheep skins.  I couldn't help but have bed-envy, but that was before Daryl P. showed up with the air mattress for me.  Jan followed us back to our tent to chat.  She loaned us a nifty camp lamp so we could wrap soap and spin after dark.  I found out that Jan is also an early riser when she greeted me in the early dawn hours with a coffee pot!  I knew I found a friend.  When I told Jan I was up at 12, than again at 2 and 4 she told me not to call my fitful sleep "night terrors."  Jan describes them as "night watches," or waking up to check things out and make sure all are peaceful and safe.  I like that.  Jan went on her way back to the wild frontier of WNY, while I waited for Daryl and Kim to wake up and go to Quack's Diner for breakfast.  Yes, we brought food for the animals, but humans are farther down on the list.  I hope I run into Jan at another fibery event.

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