Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Camping With Sheep and Goats

I decided to spend the night with my sheep, and new goats, at the CNY Fiber Artists festival.  I was not alone, as Mindy Laymon was sleeping over with her Southdowns, just across the tent from me.  I was concerned about my sheep jumping the three foot hog panels they were enclosed in.  BFL's are notoriously athletic and I knew they could scale those panels if they wanted.  Luckily, the sheep seemed to be content behind the wire.  I think having three of them there, along with the new goatie friends, made them more comfortable.  Still, I did not want to worry about it.   Daryl Parkinson surprised me with a sweet air mattress and Kim gifted me with a thick, sturdy Army blanket.  We partied until dark, wrapping soap, spinning wool, and chatting about the festival before bedding down at dark.  I liked sleeping with the critters. I think it helped me bond with my new dairy goats, Fancy and Matilda.   I looked over to see Mindy's hand slipping through her fence to stroke her babies.  Life with sheep is very, very good.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:31 AM

    very sweet, and yes I would imagine a lovely bond was created with your new goats :) - Suzy


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